People Can't Get Enough Of These Photos Of Really Hot Firefighters

BRB setting my room on fire.

Hello, there’s a burning issue I’d like to discuss.

You see, it's these photos of these firefighters that went viral over the weekend.

They are from the New Taipei Fire Department in Taiwan.

The photos were taken for the department's 2017 calendar.

And well, damn.

RIP my ovaries.

The photos were widely shared on Facebook after several local outlets such as ETtoday and Teepr reported on them.

A spokesperson for the fire department told BuzzFeed News the photos aim to show the professionalism, determination, and charm of the firefighters, who are dedicated to protecting citizens and their safety.

Needless to say, people found themselves reaching for their phones.

Their bodies had somehow caught fire.

Others seemed to have lost control of their body parts completely...

Or were setting their rooms on fire.

And pretty much doing anything just to be rescued.

The spokesperson said the fire department did not anticipate the calendar – in its ninth year now – to receive such a huge response.

The spokesperson said the fire department was, however, pleased and wanted to take this opportunity to call on the public to help the the disadvantaged.

While the calendar is not officially for sale, there are several opportunities to win a copy by donating to the Down Syndrome Foundation ROC and through competitions on the New Taipei Fire Department's Facebook page.

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