A Teen Had His Hat Stolen At A Music Festival And Found It For Sale Online

    "Cheeky fucker."

    Tom Westbury, a 16-year-old from Leicestershire, UK, went to Reading Festival with his mates over the weekend.

    While he was in the mosh pit for Rude Kid on Saturday, his yellow five-panel Supreme hat was stolen.

    But then a funny thing happened.

    "I've used Depop for a while, and I've only ever seen a yellow Supreme five-panel hat twice," Westbury told BuzzFeed News. “Once when I bought the hat, then the other when I saw it this time.”

    He was 95% sure the hat was his, so he got in touch with the seller.

    Westbury said he did not expect his tweet to blow up the way it did.

    "It's been mad," he said. "I went to the gym yesterday morning, and it was on about three retweets and, like, 10 or so likes, then at the gym, my phone was just constantly buzzing so I ran to my mate's house to get the Wi-Fi so I could check my Twitter and we went mad."

    Westbury said he was initially "really pissed off" he lost his hat as it was his favorite, but soon forgot about it.

    According to Westbury, the seller has since apologised, saying he was drunk, and offered to send the hat back to him for free.

    "He took my address and everything so I guess he will actually send it," he said.

    UPDATE - Westbury has received his hat in the post with a note saying, "Sorry boss".