18 Ways School Ruined Your Adulthood

    What do you mean there's no extra credit?

    1. You miss having distinct and frequent feedback on your work.

    2. And reward stickers.

    3. You somehow have adult homework.

    4. But you can't slack off because your salary depends on it.

    5. You have nothing to show your parents like in the days of yore.

    6. You don't feel a wash of relief when bells ring anymore.

    7. Your mandatory parties just aren't the same.

    8. Your friends aren't all a few feet away anymore.

    9. There's no more recess.

    10. You don't use most of the stuff you learned anymore.

    11. When you have to do math, you still suck at even the most basic things.

    12. Messing up something as easy as calculating tip is more shameful when you're older.

    13. You still have the occasional desire to highlight things.

    14. There aren't movie days at work.

    15. You miss the sweet smells of fresh school supplies and the feel of a new crayon.

    16. Especially cool erasers!

    17. You also constantly feel pressure to make your life worthwhile.

    18. At least being an adult means you can do whatever you want.