19 Problems That Only People Who Constantly Sweat Will Recognize

    More like sweat t-shirt! Know what I mean?

    1. You sweat. Like, right away, as soon as you leave the house.

    2. And every day, there's that moment when you realize that you don't have a handkerchief or anything else in your pocket to sop up the sweat.

    3. Sometimes your sweat stains are even a work of art (even when you don't want them to be).

    4. People are constantly laughing behind your back and you don't know why.

    5. In public, you have to pretend like everything is normal even as sweat is literally dripping off your face.

    Sieht man mir gar nicht an das ich schwitze. xD

    6. Of course you use anti-persperant, but sometimes you wonder if it actually does anything.

    7. Sometimes you wish you could just walk around the whole day wrapped in a towel instead of clothes.

    8. You can forget wearing bright clothes in the summer.

    9. And white t-shirts? LOL. Absolutely not.

    10. Actually, it doesn't matter what color you wear. Everyone always sees you sweating. It's unavoidable.

    11. When you see others sweating, you feel for them.

    12. When you go out, you try to avoid any dance moves or motions that might expose your shame.

    13. And when you need to be around other people, like when you're at the office, you don't take any chances.

    14. Riding the subway is hell. Especially when you get a whiff of the other passengers, or worse, they get a whiff of you.

    15. Sometimes you just skip applying make-up because it's just gonna sweat off of you in a couple of minutes anyway.

    16. You shower CONSTANTLY, but there are some days you wish you could just live in the shower.

    17. And then sometimes it's so bad that you provide your own shower.

    18. And even on those slightly cooler days, you never forget ...

    19. ...because there's no escaping it.

    Lmao who gets sweat stains in winter? Oh wait. Me