All The New Characters Introduced On "The Falcon And The Winter Soldier" So Far

    US Agent? The Young Avengers? The Flag Smashers? What does it all mean? We've got you.

    WandaVision made it clear that the MCU was about to start introducing A LOT of characters. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is barreling down that same path.

    The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Disney+ Poster

    We are being introduced to a wonderfully diverse set of new characters, and all of them find their roots in the comics.

    Protect the legacy ⭐ Marvel Studios' The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is now streaming on @DisneyPlus. #FalconAndWinterSoldier

    Twitter: @falconandwinter

    John Walker, who is the new Captain America, has a long history as an Avenger. Even characters we've only seen glimpses of, like Eli Bradley, may have HUGE futures ahead of them.

    So, what's next for the MCU? And how do these new characters set things up?

    US Agent Fights Captain America sam Wilson

    John Walker/US Agent

    John Walker is the new Captain America...for now

    Isaiah Bradley

    Isaiah Bradley is a Super Soldier

    Karli Morgenthau

    Karli Morgenthau in her Flag Smasher mask

    Flag Smashers

    The Flag Smashers infamous mask

    Joaquín Torres/Falcon

    Torres has a bigger role to play

    Elijah Bradley/Patriot

    Sarah Wilson

    Sara Wilson held it down after the Blip

    Lamar Hoskins/Battlestar

    Battlestar partners up with John Walker

    The Power Broker

    The Power Broker in the comics

    Wilfred Nagel

    Dr. Nagel re-created the serum from Isaiah Bradley's blood.

    Donya Madani

    Donya Madani lies ill in a bed

    Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine

    Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine meets John Walker


    Selby is based on obscure X-Men character

    Who else do you think will appear in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier? Let us know below.