This is a personal, non-sponsored post by a member of BuzzFeed's ad content team.

    14 Things Only Anxious People Will Understand

    WARNING: Reading may increase anxiety level by 20%.

    1. Debating whether it’s better to be 15 minutes early to avoid being late, or 10 minutes late to avoid small talk.

    2. Needing more than a second to recalibrate your mindset if plans change.

    3. Overanalyzing how much you overanalyze.

    4. Going down an endless WebMD rabbit hole because you have a headache and are diagnosing yourself with swine flu and SARS.

    5. Planning out full conversations in your head before having them.

    6. Looking up exactly how long it will take to get somewhere every time you commute...

    7. ...Then feeling your heart rate increase 10x when traffic has doubled the time of your drive.

    8. Making reservations for every meal out because WHAT IF THERE ISN’T A TABLE AVAILABLE.

    9. Having a day off work just to remind yourself of the 300 things you should be working on.

    10. Trying to figure out how calm people live their lives.

    11. Convincing yourself that you are about to die every time you board a plane.

    12. Checking to see if your alarm is set correctly 3+ times before falling asleep, JUST TO BE SURE.

    13. Then remaining awake for hours because your brain chooses this moment to remind you of all potential problems that need resolving.

    14. Appreciating your calm & collected friends who remind you everything is going to be OK.