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Six Everyday Activities That Could Kill You

I ran across an interesting Facebook post the other day from personal injury lawyer Adam Kutner. It basically explains the likelihood of being killed by some of the traditional things we all fear – think shark attacks and lightning strikes – compared to things like driving a car. It got me thinking....One thing many people tend to worry about is things that can kill you. However, what you may not be aware of is that many of the most significant threats to a person’s life don’t come from sharks, bears or masked killers. They come from mundane everyday activities. Below is a list of six of these risky activities you may have never given a second thought to.1. Eating FishHealth nuts are constantly droning on about what foods are bad for you, but one food they rarely mention is fish. Surprisingly, fish is one of the most dangerous foods you can ingest as a regular part of your diet. The reason why is because the flesh of fish is extremely susceptible to absorbing poisons from the environment and keeping them there forever. That is until you eat that fish of course. Nasty chemicals that are often found in fish include mercury, pesticides and PCB, a toxin that causes cancer. Making fish part of your regular diet is actually a significant health risk.2. Taking the Stairs You may often hear people saying that taking the stairs over the elevator can help increase your lifespan. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The benefit of that physical fitness is more than likely canceled out by the risk of slipping and having a fatal fall. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 30,208 people were reported as having died after suffering a fall in 2013 in the United States. The most common way people die from a fall is by tripping and falling down stairs. This is especially the case for the elderly. However, younger people aren’t immune to this risk. This is certainly the case when people in a hurry try to run up steps. Slipping and falling backwards is a real possibility.3. Walking Down the StreetEven one of the most mundane of all physical activities, walking, is inherently risky. According to a report from the CDC, 4,743 pedestrians that were simply minding their own business were killed by oncoming automobiles in one year. Unfortunately, simply being out in public near roadways can be a danger. While crossing the street may seem like the most dangerous pedestrian activity, simply being on the sidewalk near a drunk or reckless driver could end up being a death sentence.4. SittingSitting down on your couch can be risky business. While being a couch potato has been associated with living an unhealthy lifestyle for decades, what about people that get enough exercise? If you thought hours of exercise would save you from the dangers of sitting, you’re dead wrong. According to CNN, sitting is dangerous even if you get plenty of exercise. Not moving and taking a break apparently can greatly increase your chances of contracting life-threatening diseases.CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta suggests moving your legs around and exercising with them while sitting down to fight the terrible risks of this dangerous activity. While it’s questionable whether or not the good doctor actually uses his own advice in public for fear of looking like he’s lost his mind, a study was released that does back up these claims. Apparently sitting can increase the chances of developing blood clots in your legs. So much for relaxation!5. DrivingOne of the most dangerous everyday activities most people partake in is driving. The odds of dying while in a car far exceed plenty of other activities associated with danger such as scuba diving in shark infested waters, flying in a plane, bungee-jumping or being outdoors in a thunderstorm. The last US census reported that nearly 40,000 people a year die from automobile accidents. With this in mind, every time you get into a car, you are putting your life at risk. Simply commuting to work or going to the store involves a calculated risk that you could suffer a gruesome death on the road.6. Being BornDriving, walking, sitting and eating can all be dangerous. With this information, you may be wondering if it’s risky to be born at all. You’d be completely right. A recent report by NBC News states that the United States is lagging behind 68 other counties in terms of infant mortality. 11,000 newborn babies die in the United States every year. The most dangerous day for a baby is the day of birth. This is due to the fact that complications during birth are still all too common. So you should certainly be thankful that you were able to survive being born at all. Many don't.This may leave you with one question. Is there any activity a person can partake in that has no risk? Probably not. This is just a fact of life. Living requires taking risks every single day. Listening too much to statistics reported on the news for every mundane activity that could lead to death would probably lead to a pretty unfulfilled life.

jwinskowski 8 years ago

Do You Eat Like A Slob? Here's A Guide To Removing Stains.

Nothing is more frustrating than finding a stain on your favorite hoodie or a new pair of jeans. Even clothes you have had for ages get stained and need some loving care. Everyone offers advice on how to get a stain out and a lot of the advice is based on the type of stain. Here are some tips that actually work.

jwinskowski 9 years ago

Kids Getting Sick?? Here's How To Stay Healthy.

You just heard it: the first sneeze of the season or the first cough of the school year. Whether you just don't want to get sick yourself or you are trying to prevent yourself from spreading the disease to your other children, you can keep some simple tips in mind to beat disease. While everyone does become ill once in awhile, you can do your best to stop yourself from being sick at the same time your kids are by following some simple wellness tips. Go Outdoors if Possible All different degrees of illness exist, and your children might not be terribly sick. If they just have a little cold and the weather is nice, do your best to spend some time outdoors. All of that fresh air will likely help them to clear up and breathe better. On top of that, you do not have to worry as much about the germs getting all over the house. The less time those nasty little germs spend indoors, they less time they have to take over and get the rest of your family sick. Sanitize Away Even if you really never use hand sanitizer in your daily life, this is a good time to start. Soap and water will help to keep the germs away too, but you probably don't want to run to the sink every time your children cough or sneeze. Make sure you are cleaning the house with antibacterial disinfectant products as well. No matter how many times you remind the kids to wash their hands and to cover their noses when they sneeze, some germs are almost certain to end up on the counter tops. Keep Yourself Healthy and Fit While you might be tempted to just veg out on the couch all day with your sick children and eat unhealthy foods, you need to keep yourself energized and healthy. Doing so helps you to optimize your own health and to allow you to take care of the kids without shutting down. Don't start eating a lot of garbage just because the kids are sick and you have something extra on your plate. Make sure you are continuing to eat a well-balanced diet. The kids are probably going to call to you in the night for help, but make sure you and your spouse are sharing the responsibility. Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to stay alert and hydrated. Don't Cater to Their Every Whim This rule doesn't apply if your children are extremely ill or if they are very young. However, if your 12-year-old has a minor cough and fever and has already been to the doctor, you do not need to be at his or her side every second. Do what is reasonable to ensure that your child stays healthy, safe, hydrated and nourished during his or her illness. However, simple tasks, such as picking up a magazine to read that's just across the room, do not necessitate your assistance when the ailment is minor. Specific Preventative Treatments When your children are sick, you also need to consider what they are sick with when you are trying to figure out how to stay healthy. Illnesses are often transmitted in different ways or are more highly contagious when a certain action is taken. Ask the doctor how this particular illness is spread and make sure you are avoiding that type of contact. When you are really concerned, you can speak to your own doctor about certain preventative measures that you need to take to protect your body from getting it. When your children are not feeling well, you might be willing to go to any measure to prevent yourself from getting sick. Remember, you may not be able to prevent illnesses 100 percent of the time, but you can try your very best to keep the germs from spreading any more around the house.

jwinskowski 9 years ago

6+ Backpacking Essentials

The hot Summer weather is finally (and mercifully) beginning to cool off, which means it's time to get out and enjoy backpacking and camping! Here are a few tips for getting out on the trail (or "backpacking" across Europe) without forgetting any of the essentials.

jwinskowski 9 years ago