22 Things Only People Who Hate Flying Understand

    You are not the wind beneath my wings.

    1. Opening your overhead bin and finding that someone has taken up all the space with something that shouldn't be in there.

    2. Doing the walk of shame past first class and seeing them all spread out and comfy.

    3. Smelling the stink of some potent food a fellow passenger has brought on board.

    4. The fact that you are basically in a tube of circulating airborne illnesses.

    5. Having the shame to hold in your farts, but being surrounded by those who don't.

    6. Opening the in-flight magazine and seeing that the crossword was already done.

    7. Accidentally engaging with the talker next to you, and then listening to their whole life story.

    8. Getting the one broken air vent because why wouldn't you?

    9. When the movie that is being shown is one you've watched already.

    10. Or worse, not getting ANY movie.

    11. Two words: Crying. Children.

    12. When you're trying to sleep on an overnight flight and two people. Keep. Talking. Loudly.

    Can't you tell that everyone around is trying to catch some z's? That's right, you're too busy talking about your new chinchilla. My bad.

    13. Paying $1,000,000* for a meal because you were running late.

    14. Falling asleep and missing the drink cart.

    15. Asking for a ginger ale and finding out they just ran out.

    16. The agony of waiting for the restroom, then realizing the sign is broke and that it's been free the whole time.

    17. When someone across the aisle has their window open and the sun is blinding you through it.

    18. People who have no manners and are seemingly there only to encroach on your space.

    19. Getting excited because you snagged a pillow, but then realizing how bad they suck.

    20. When the captain announces that there is a landmark ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANE.

    21. When the plane is an icebox and you realize you didn't bring a jacket.

    22. When the captain announces that you will be arriving early and then this happens:

    But hey, at least you landed safely. So thanks for that, aviation!