• Viral badge

11 Men's Luge Bulges That All Deserve Gold Medals

Me yesterday: What is luge? Me today: I need luge to breathe.

So we've been watching luge and now I think we can all agree it has changed our lives.

Me yesterday: "Wait so like what is 'luge' anyway?" Me today, sobbing: "Luge is probably the most important thing… https://t.co/YQ8d6jd2fi

1. Particularly, the, you know, outfits.

2. You are NOT here by accident. You made a choice. Own your choices.

3. These moose knuckles, aka male bullllllges, flying effortlessly down the Olympic luge track, are a thing to behold.

4. Don't act like you're too good for this.

5. Bc you're not.

6. I mean, seriously. You did this.

7. YOU are complicit in this knucklery.

8. It's fine.

9. These knuckles are fast as fuck and comin' straight for you.

10. So buckle up!

11. And enjoy.

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