Here Are The Top Baby Names In Every State

    Noahs, and Liams, and Emmas, OH MY!

    Listen up babes, and parents of babes.

    The US Social Security Administration released its list of the top baby names in every damn state for 2016, and it turns out we are all LOVING some old-timey names.

    Here's a map of the top boys' names by state.

    Let's break it down. Williams dominated in the Southeast.

    In the Midwest, Olivers were tops.

    And on the West Coast Liams won.

    Maybe they just really liked this guy, IDK

    Now let's look at girls' names.

    Avas and Olivias were all over the North and Southeast.

    Emmas OWNED the Midwest.

    And Mias were the most popular in California and Nevada.

    Are you guys just big Fast and Furious fans, or what?

    So what do you think of these names? Share your thoughts in the comments!


    The name Mia was most popular in California and Nevada. An earlier version of this post misstated the states.