12 Things To Know About Liu Yang, China's First Female Astronaut

    She wasn't allowed to have scars or bad teeth — and she's a famed fighter pilot.

    1. She is a "taikonaut," which is what China's English-speaking media calls Chinese astronauts.

    2. She's from Henan, a high-density, low-income province of China.

    3. She used to be a fighter pilot.

    4. She's well-regarded in China for her courage.

    5. She also won first place in a military speech contest in 2010.

    6. She was selected out of 21 female pilots with similar service records.

    7. To become a taikonaut, Yang had to be a married mother.

    8. She could also have no scars, bad breath or tooth decay.

    9. On board, she will be in charge of medical experiments.

    10. She will also help test space equipment designed for women.

    11. So far, she's exceeded the expectations of her male counterparts.

    12. Yet despite her making history, the media can't seem to get her age right.