• English badge




facial cleft: 顔面裂

operation: 手術

cultivate: 助長する、養う

appearance: 外見

self-esteem: 自尊心、自己肯定感

Ilka Brühl is only 26, but she's already shattering traditional beauty standards. Born with a facial cleft that required many operations, she's proving that beauty isn't solely defined by perfectionism often seen in magazines.

On her website, she explains that social media apps like Instagram pressure people to try and cultivate a "perfect" life. "What you forget so quickly is that these are only selected snapshots that are shown to us," Brühl said.

"It's not just the operations that helped me look more confident in the mirror, but [my] inner attitude," she told Project Grenzenlos. "There is only one way to be ugly: by having an ugly character. No one has to hide their appearance!"

Back in 2014, Brühl had her first photoshoot with Ines Rehberger that quickly lead to more. She explains that it was a form of "self-therapy [that] gradually changed to the intent to help others."

Brühl's main mission is to help others find a healthy self-esteem, because everyone deserves a happy life.

"Never let yourself be persuaded that you can not do something," Brühl said — and it's easy to see why this incredible woman is empowering so many people. You can find Ilka over on Instagram!






「鏡に映る自分に自信が持てるようになったのは、手術のおかげだけでなく、私の心の持ちようも関係しています」。ブリュールさんは自身も参加しているフォトプロジェクト、Project Grenzenlosでそう語っている。





この言葉を聞いていると、一人の強い女性が多くの人を勇気づけているのもうなずける。 イルカ・ブリュールさんのインスタグラムはこちら

この記事は英語から翻訳・編集しました。 翻訳:石垣賀子 / 編集:BuzzFeed Japan