This Alligator Catching "Bird Box" Challenge Is Scary, Ridiculous, And Needs To Stop

    So alligators are the unseen monsters???

    Gator wrestler, Jason McDonald, and his crew take the Bird Box challenge to the next level — catching alligators blindfolded in this clip posted by Caters.

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    Netflix's instant cult classic Bird Box has given the internet everything it needed going into 2019. From ridiculous memes, to challenges, to a Lindsay Lohan parody, it doesn't seem like the Bird Box hype is ending anytime soon.

    She knew what Malorie meant by that lol #BirdBox

    Twitter: @DidyKB2 / Via Twitter: @DidyKB2

    Netflix tweeted this stern warning for fans of the film that have been getting a little too cray cray.

    Can’t believe I have to say this, but: PLEASE DO NOT HURT YOURSELVES WITH THIS BIRD BOX CHALLENGE. We don’t know how this started, and we appreciate the love, but Boy and Girl have just one wish for 2019 and it is that you not end up in the hospital due to memes.

    Twitter: @netflix / Via Twitter: @netflix

    So with endless people running into walls, doors, and cars, who takes the crown for Bird Box challenge royalty?

    It's these absolutely ridiculous, obscene alligator wrestlers.

    Before we continue — BuzzFeed, myself, Netflix and any other sane person DOES NOT condone, encourage, or promote wrestling alligators while blindfolded!

    According to a LADbible article, the "video shows gator handler Jason McDonald, 37, and friends Natasha Burdo, Charlie Fox, Tiffany Ann Bradford and Scott Newcomb wading through waters blindfolded."

    They weren't just catching the gators, they were kissing them too!

    This is way too much internet for today, you guys.

    They need to 'Netflix and chill out' with this.

    Can we please go back to having nice things?

    Do you know a Bird Box fan who would agree this is too extra?