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12 Reasons Tattoos Are Even Cooler Than You Think

Every tattoo tells a story, so make sure yours is a good one. In your quest to Have A Story, spark your night with a shot of Jose Cuervo.

1. The earliest recorded tattoo dates back to 3,200 B.C.

2. Friday the 13th is a big tattoo day.

3. If you want to get all "secret agenty," you can get a blacklight tattoo.

4. There are lots of vegan tattoo parlors that offer animal-free ink.

5. If you think it'll hurt your chances at a job, know that President Teddy Roosevelt had some ink done.

6. Sailor tattoos carry a lot of meaning.

7. The Yakuza use hand-poked, full-body tattoos as a form of identification.

8. Tattoos can save your life.

9. Lip tattoos are the most temporary location to get inked.

10. Cherry blossoms represent the fleeting nature of life.

11. The lotus flower represents purity, as it grows in muddy water.

12. Feathers represent freedom and enlightenment.

Inspired by Jose Cuervo. Have a Story.