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26 Most Stunning Basketball Courts On The Planet

Basketball is played in every corner of the world, often outdoors and against amazing backdrops. Check out these beautiful courts and learn about how China's passion for hoops shines bright in a remote mountain village in Jordan's #RISEABOVE ISOLATION short.

1. Chile

2. En Gedi, Israel

3. San Francisco

4. The Netherlands

5. China

6. Israel

7. Kansas

8. Iceland


10. Finland

11. San Pedro, California

12. Montenegro

13. Guatemala

14. Pennsylvania

15. New Jersey

16. Massachusetts

17. Portugal

18. New York, NY

19. Puerto Rico

20. Finland

21. Japan

22. South Dakota

23. Florida

24. Copenhagen

25. Kenya

26. Nicaragua

Inspired by: Jordan Presents #RISEABOVE ISOLATION

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China's passion for hoops shines bright in a remote mountain village.