Literally Just 19 Insanely Funny Jokes About Netflix

    “Are you still watching?" First of all, I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough.

    1. Tinker Bell, out for revenge:

    2. The most ambitious crossover event in history, tbh:

    3. This happy little accident:

    4. 😔😔😔

    5. This ultimatum:

    6. And this stealth maneuver:

    7. This genius idea:

    8. This hilarious glitch:

    9. This weekly ritual:

    10. "Here we go again." —the FBI agent watching me through my laptop

    11. No need to get in our face about it!

    12. Seriously, why the attitude?

    13. Can we please make this happen soon?

    14. The perfect pause:

    15. Lol, Ron:

    16. Just 👏 like 👏 clockwork 👏:

    17. A discount you definitely don't want:

    18. Uncontroversial and well-deserved:

    19. QUIT ASKING ME, GDI!!!