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26 Pictures That Perfectly Capture How Insanely Cold It Is Across The US

Even antifreeze is freezing.

1. In case you didn't know, it's really REALLY cold across most of the US right now.

2. I mean, like, REALLY COLD.

3. Like, "my toilet froze" cold:

4. It's so cold you can freeze noodles:

5. Soap is freezing:

6. Even ANTIFREEZE is freezing:

7. I mean, look at this:

8. People are out here looking like Dr. Seuss characters:

9. Beards are freezing:

10. Tires are freezing:

11. And, of course, faces are freezing:

12. This is happening INDOORS:

13. Nowhere is safe:

14. It's so cold, water is coming out as ICE:

15. I mean, it's so cold even ghosts are wearing pants:

16. Paint is PEELING off cars:

17. Car doors are being SNAPPED off:

18. Pants are becoming gold medal gymnasts:

Hey Polar Vortex, you may freeze my @JusticeForGirl pants but you’ll never kill their style #FrozenJustice #SisterhoodOfTheFrozenPants #PolarVortex #MNnice #BoldNorth #Negative50 #WinterFun #PerfectLanding

19. Vodka is turning into ice:

20. Peepholes are freezing eyes:

21. And look at this pole. It's shivering. SHIVERING!

Cadillac Michigan the light poles are shivering. Science mannn #PolarVortex2019 #PolarVortex #science #Michigan

22. Outlets are more like ICE-lets:

23. Bubbles are freezing in mid-air:

How cold is it in the Midwest? Bubbles are freezing. Remember to take your pets inside. #PolarVortex2019

24. And ice is, just like, appearing:

25. This is seriously insane:

26. But, hey, at least it's not cloudy... right???