20 Things Dads Like

    "Honey, have you seen my cell phone holster?"

    1. Wearing free T-shirts they got from work.

    2. Grilling.

    3. Asking, "Is your car running OK?" and then handing the phone off to your mom.

    4. Fiscal conservatism.

    5. Sirius radio.

    6. Being goofy on vacation.

    7. Things from Brookstone.

    8. Cell phone holsters.

    9. Frequent flyer miles.

    10. Being superstitious about sports.

    11. Thrillers.

    12. Talking about how they smoked weed in college.

    13. Being only OK at the internet.

    14. Napping.

    15. Home Depot.

    16. Transition lenses.

    17. Taking a really long time in the bathroom.

    18. Driving past rest stops.

    19. Funny coffee mugs.

    20. Playing.