26 Reasons You Should DEFINITELY Be A Runner

    No, just hear me out.

    1. Nature beats fluorescent lights. Every time.

    2. It's the BEST cardio workout.

    3. Attractive people run, ERGO, lots of eye candy. Just sayin'.

    4. You get to collect these.

    5. And these.

    6. Running is so versatile that you can do it anywhere; all you need is a good pair of shoes.

    7. Running produces more beta-endorphins — nature's painkillers — than any other activity.

    8. It's a great excuse to listen to your guilty-pleasure pop music.

    9. Running doesn't ACTUALLY wreck your knees.

    10. You can apply running skills to everyday life!

    11. We're in good company: Most of the presidents have been active joggers.

    12. Setting goals (even as small as a 5K!) gives you an unbeatable sense of accomplishment.

    13. You can jog with someone if you're feeling social... or go solo if you're not.

    14. Either way, your running buddy's always got your back.

    15. We're less depressed — running helps lessen the effects of anxiety and depression.

    16. Plus, fuel belts make you feel badass.

    17. You never feel guilty about ordering dessert.

    18. We don't waste money on gym memberships — running outside is free!

    19. More running pants = more pants you can also wear to the grocery store on Sundays.

    20. Running is really good for your skin.

    21. Nothing beats the thrill of conquering a really tough course.

    22. Running/jogging/walking can also be a really great way to give back.

    23. You'll know what these are for.

    24. Running is good for your brain.

    25. There's always THIS reason to run.

    26. And don't worry, even if you start out like this...

    ...you know that someday you could be like this!