If You Never Had Student Loans Or Already Paid Yours Off, How Do You Feel About The Debt Relief Plan?

    It seems like everyone has thoughts on this.

    You've probably heard about the Biden administration's student loan forgiveness plan by now.

    You know, the one that could potentially erase up to $20,000 worth of student loan debt for certain individuals?

    (In the spirit of full transparency, I'm one of those individuals and stand to have a little under $17K of debt wiped away.)

    The application site went live not too long ago, and with it resurfaced the same argument people have been having since the idea of student loan forgiveness was first broached: whether or not it's fair to people who never had any student loans or paid them back prior to the pandemic.

    If you're someone who falls into that category, I want to know what you think about the loan relief plan.

    Let me know in the comments for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.