23 Questions I Have For "The Society" On Netflix

    Where. Are. The. Bus. Drivers?

    Of course, many MAJOR spoilers for The Society ahead!

    1. First and foremost, WHERE ARE THE BUS DRIVERS? (And yes, that includes Pfeiffer!)

    2. Why did NO ONE question where the bus drivers were until the end of the season and even then, the question wasn't, "Where are the bus drivers?" it was, "Why does that ONE bus driver look so sketchy?"

    3. And, really, Becca didn't notice Pfeiffer in that photo when she was looking through pics for Cassandra's funeral?

    4. What's the deal with the dog and why is there only ONE dog in the whole town?

    5. If this is a parallel universe, how would things like Harry's mom's lipstick, all the town files, or this text exchange (etc.) exist there?

    6. Why didn't Sam just tell Grizz the truth? Or tell Becca the truth about Grizz? WHY CAN'T SAM AND GRIZZ BE HAPPY? WHY CAN'T WE HAVE NICE THINGS?

    7. They've...definitely run out of tampons by now, right?

    8. How did Allie know the quote was by Aeschylus?

    9. Does Grizz have an endless supply of hairties?

    10. Isn't there a police station in West Ham? Couldn't they have held Dewey there instead of in a wine cellar? I'm sure they had at least a holding cell...

    11. Isn't all the meat and cheese in the town expired by now?

    12. How long was Bobby Aaronson's bar mitzvah set up for? Mine was definitely set up the morning it happened, so...

    13. Why is Harry seemingly the only one DEEPLY inconvenienced by the shared house rule? Why don't Allie and Cassandra have more people living in THEIR house? How does the housing...work exactly? It's all confusing.

    14. Along those lines, why do Campbell and Elle get their own house?

    15. Why are couples given private rooms when there are people sleeping on the damn floor? That seems to be a new level of single shaming.

    16. Why did this random girl do this random thing where she wore her prom dress after the riots? It's SO WEIRD.

    17. Why are there so many friggin' guns? Why do all the teens know the codes to the gun safes? Isn't that the POINT of their parents having safes?

    18. What grade is everyone in? I need a diagram, so if someone has paid enough attention, please tell me in the comments.

    19. WHOMST IS BECCA'S BABY DADDY? (Please don't let it be Campbell!)

    20. Why would Lexie team up with The Guard when they're LITERALLY the ones who mistreated her?

    21. Obviously, what the fork is the smell????

    22. And, WHAT was that ENDING?!?!?!


    I am sure there are answers to many of my questions (please tell them to me in the comments, preferably without calling me an idiot! It took me long enough to tell all eight blonde female characters apart, so surely I missed some stuff!) plus SO much more. What else did you notice?