19 Tumblr Posts That Are Just Undeniably True

    So damn relatable.

    1. This is exactly what being an adult feels like:

    2. And this is what it's like to be online:

    3. This happens every time you handwrite something:

    4. You definitely do this:

    5. This makes you feel so vindicated:

    6. Every kid has experienced this look:

    7. This struggle is real:

    8. And so is this one:

    9. Everyone tells this lie:

    10. This scene is in every single rom com:

    11. If you've worn a dress or skirt with pockets, you've definitely said this:

    12. This is a valid outfit choice:

    13. This happens whenever you get groceries:

    14. You have at least one FB friend who has conversations like this:

    15. Behind your bed may as well be Narnia:

    16. This is the most satisfying feeling in the world:

    17. This feels so disorienting:

    18. You're guilty of at least half of these things:

    19. And these charts are just undeniably true: