33 Feminist GIFs You Need In Your Life


    1. When people ask why you're a feminist.

    2. Or say "you're a feminist" like it's a bad thing.

    3. When someone says they're not a feminist because they like men.

    4. And you need to remind them of what feminism actually is.

    5. When people claim the word "feminism" is sexist.

    6. When you remember how many more freedoms you have compared to even your mother's or grandmother's generations.

    7. Because of all the feminists who fought for them.

    8. When some asshole on Twitter won't stop @ you.

    9. When people complain that shows like Orange is the New Black don't contain enough men.

    10. When you watch the latest blockbuster.

    11. When someone starts talking about "reverse sexism."

    12. When a guy you respected makes a surprise sexist comment.

    13. And you have to set him straight.

    14. When someone starts mansplaining.

    15. And you're just so done with them.

    16. When a bunch of politicians discuss women's rights.

    17. When you remember that people like Robin Thicke exist.

    18. When someone is really patronising to you.

    19. When guys complain about how HARD it is for them these days.

    20. And you can't even deal.

    21. When you run into a bunch of MRAs online.

    22. And you release some truth bombs.

    23. POW.

    24. BLAM.

    25. PEW PEW PEW.

    26. And you're not even sorry.

    27. This. Every. Single. Day.

    28. When you just keep fighting.

    29. When you need a "YAAASSS" moment.

    30. When you surround yourself with your awesome feminist friends.

    31. And drink up those male tears.

    32. When you need a little reminder of how fabulous you are.

    33. When you just keep doing you.