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    18 Photos Every Single Person Who's Traveled Will Recognize

    Why did I need 800 photos of that plate of pasta????

    1. A portrait-mode photo of pretty much every meal you ate.

    2. And a flat lay that you had to stand up in a busy restaurant to take.

    3. In fact, you basically did a whole photo shoot for each dish.

    4. Water that looked really blue and amazing in real life but was kinda boring in the photo.

    5. A photo taken by a stranger who just didn't get the angles you wanted.

    6. And at least a few terrible selfies where you're trying to get everything in, but it just doesn't work.

    7. An alleyway you thought looked really artsy's just an alleyway.

    8. A bunch of "candid" pics of you walking.

    9. A sunset that doesn't look anywhere near as good as it did IRL.

    10. And a photo of food being held up in front of the place you got it.

    11. A blurry photo from a bar you can't remember why you took.

    12. Laundry hanging out a window — usually one with shutters.

    13. A photo of funny food you found in the grocery store.

    14. Google Maps screenshots of places you want to visit.

    15. An Insta-worthy pic of your back, with you looking off into the distance.

    16. A cocktail, usually with an exotic background.

    17. Street art of some kind.

    18. And the classic: the view out the plane window.