29 Google Chrome Extensions That Are Actually Crazy Useful

    Embrace the extension. H/T to this reddit thread.

    1. Checker Plus for Gmail

    2. Google Dictionary

    3. Clipboard History

    4. Momentum

    5. Speed Dial 2

    6. StayFocusd

    7. Hover Zoom

    8. Dictionary of Numbers

    This extension finds large numbers in text and puts them in a context that is easier to understand. Get it here.

    9. Facebook

    10. Herp Derp for YouTube

    11. Gif Delayer

    12. Lazarus: Form Recovery

    13. Magic Actions for YouTube

    14. Cloud To Butt

    15. Honey

    16. Comic Sans EVERYWHERE

    17. LastPass

    18. Cite This For Me.

    19. Hola!

    20. Awesome Screenshot

    21. Evernote Web Clipper

    22. Tumblr Savior

    23. nCage.

    24. GifMe

    25. NEnhancer

    26. Save To Pocket

    27. PanicButton

    28. AdBlock

    29. Tab Ahead