Literally Just 31 Hilarious Memes About Life In Australia

    Let us never speak of iSnack 2.0 again.

    1. On romantic pick-up lines:

    2. On goddamn amazing school supplies:

    3. On our favourite malted beverage:

    4. Which is so goddamn versatile:

    5. On springtime rituals:

    6. And on the only relationship status you need:

    7. On the worst thing that can happen to you:

    8. On summer essentials:

    9. On this TV truth:

    10. On your fave way to hear tunes:

    11. And on this jingle you'll never un-hear:

    12. On this goddamn genius:

    13. On dedication to the originals:

    14. On improving Aussie kids' shows:

    15. On this inescapable torture:

    16. On the biggest threat to mankind:

    17. On our finest cuisine:

    18. And on the one thing everyone can always agree on:

    19. On the only transport you should care about:

    20. On our unique slang:

    21. On the most Australian education ever:

    22. On our front-page headlines:

    23. On our priorities:

    24. On this dark moment in our history:

    25. And on this very Australian sentence:

    26. On this nifty trick:

    27. On this heartbreaking moment we've all experienced:

    28. On this childhood party staple:

    29. On this unavoidable reality:

    30. On this rite of passage:

    31. And on your original faves:

    Need more proof that Australia is like no place else on earth? Sign up for BuzzFeed's "Meanwhile in Australia" newsletter!