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    Reasons Why The Jewish High Holidays Are So Early This Year

    We Jews are always either really early or really late, and our holidays are no different. Just when the world is getting back to work after-Labor Day, we bid Shalom for a few days to celebrate 5774 (whatever that means). Why is it so early this year? We tell you below

    So we can call out "Jewish" to extend Labor Day and summer just a little bit more

    Global Warming

    A post-summer Yom Kippur fast should happen just as the summer ends

    Having to sit in Temple for 26 hours beginning on Friday, the 13th, makes that day just as unlucky for us as it does the Gentiles!

    God wanted to test NYC Jewish girls to see if they'd choose synagogue over Fashion Week

    So Jewish NYC mayoral hopeful Anthony Weiner can atone for his sins before the September 10 primary election and possibly have a chance of winning

    So we have reason to complain, "OMG, the High Holidays are sooo early this year!"

    Apples are cheaper, since they are in season

    So we can quickly atone for seeing Miley Cyrus's performance at the VMA's