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    21 Things People With Ethnic Names Will Totally Understand

    "Where are you from? What does that mean?" The frustrations of having a not so common ethnic name.

    1. You hate when people ask you "How do you say that in English?"

    2. And the baristas at Starbucks either misspell or mispronounce it.

    3. You get asked "What is that?" alot.

    4. It frustrates you that your name is so common other places, but not where you live.

    5. You constantly have to walk people thorough pronunciation.

    6. And then you have to repeat it multiple times because no one understands what you just said.

    7. You've had arguments with others over pronunciation.

    8. Then you get asked "So, what country are you from?"

    9. And then the cultural questions. "Can you belly dance? Do you speak ------- language?"

    10. Calling a customer service hotline is the worst.

    11. You give a common name to a hostess/host, because you fear they can't say yours.

    12. In fact you have a go-to fake name for these situations.

    13. You rarely find souvenirs with your name on them.

    14. But you are filled with delight when you find souvenirs that do.

    15. After you give someone your name they immediately ask you what your nickname is.

    16. And if your name sounds like it has an English equivalent people immediately call you that.

    17. Roll call was the bane of your existence.

    18. And many times your name is thought to have a deep and insightful meaning.

    19. You realize your name might be out of the ordinary.

    20. But it's a unique part of your cultural identity.

    21. And you're proud of it!