21 Things Servers Are Tired Of Hearing

    It's server not servant.

    1. "I don't believe in tipping."

    2. "Do you mind splitting the bill 13 ways?"

    3. "You don't like your uniform?"

    4. "Are you still open?"

    5. "The customers can't be that bad."

    6. "What kind of food do you have here?"

    7. "Do you mind if I substitute (cheap item) for (expensive item)?"

    8. "We have coupons."

    9. "I know the owner."

    10. "What is your roast beef made out of?"

    11. "Could you make sure that comes out quickly? We're kind of in a hurry."

    12. "Hey you!"

    13. "I've been waiting for my food for 10 minutes already!"

    14. "Why am I getting charged for this?"

    15. "I want to speak to your manager."

    16. "You're still coming to work, right?" (In the midst of an apocalyptic blizzard.)

    17. "You have it made, you get tips and a paycheck."

    18. "Hi, how are you doing tonight?" (Customer immediately says drink order.)

    19. "You don't mind if we stay a while, do you?"

    20. “If you don’t like working there, why don’t you find another job?”

    21. "Being a server must be easy."