These Male Superheroes Objectified Like Their Female Counterparts Is Absolutely Perfect

    Time to give men the objectification special.

    Last week Marvel released a controversial cover depicting Spider-Woman in an overtly sexual pose.

    Needless to say a lot people were not pleased with it.

    Marvel, This Is When You Send An Artist Back To The Drawing Board #SpiderWoman

    Comic Book Resources contributing writer Brett White decided to give male superheroes the same sexist treatment their female counterparts so often encounter. The results were interesting.

    Thor and his mighty hammer on display.

    This patriotic beach boy.

    The rock hard body of this Iron Man.

    Spider-Man dreaming about getting caught in a web of sexy.

    And this scantily clad beast boy.

    Ooh la la!

    White said of the images that, "Sexiness isn't inherently a bad thing, it just needs to be an equal thing."