These "Sea Bunnies" Are Absolutely Adorable

    Rabbits of the sea.

    People in Japan have fallen in love with these sea slugs, and who can blame them? These lovely creatures look like fluffy little rabbits and so have appropriately been dubbed "sea bunnies."

    The cute critters are a subspecies of sea slug called Jorunna parva, and are said to be found off the coast of Japan and other areas of the Pacific.

    The "bunnies" have taken the internet by storm, with many people sharing pictures and expressing their admiration for them.

    うわぁああああ ゴマフビロードウミウシかわいいいいいい♡♥️♡♥️♡ 惚れた♡

    The combination of what appears to be cute ears and a bushy tail makes them undeniably adorable.

    @__No711 おっしー!正解はゴマフビロードウミウシだよっ☆惜しくも外れちゃったキミにはシロウサギウミウシの写真をあげちゃうねっ!!

    Though their "ears" are actually called rhinophores, and act as noses to help the slugs detect different chemicals in the water around them.

    ゴマフビロードウミウシ #ウミウシ

    It's easy to see why people are obsessing over these charming creatures.


    Who knew slugs with mascara wand ears could be so cute?