This Baby Had An Adorably Magical "Harry Potter" Themed Photoshoot

    Wizardry starts young.

    Kayla Glover is a 29-year-old professional photographer from Perkin, Illinois, and the mother to an adorable 5-month-old girl named Lorelai Grace.

    Aside from being a photographer, Glover is also a lifelong Harry Potter fan. She told BuzzFeed News that she had been a loyal fan of the series since she was 10, and has never missed a midnight release party or late-night movie premiere.

    When it came time for Lorelai Grace to do a photo shoot, Glover knew a Harry Potter theme would be a perfect fit.

    With the help of her husband, she gathered her books and various props and set up a session in her home studio.

    The magical transformation started with a pair of glasses Glover got from the release party of Order of the Phoenix.

    The rest of the mystical shoot came together with a wand, Gryffindor scarf, and of course her cherished books.

    Glover went on to share the photos to her Facebook page and website. She said the response has been overwhelmingly positive and lighthearted.

    Glover said she plans to incorporate more elements of the series into her daughter's upbringing. "I dream of the day I can share Harry Potter with her and I hope she loves it as much as I do. I'm a big fan of themes and I hope a Harry Potter birthday party is in her future!"

    She went on to tell BuzzFeed what she hoped people would take away form the shoot:

    I think a lot of times our vision gets so clouded by the negativity floating around the news and social media. It's nice to stop for a moment and appreciate the beauty and innocence of a child dressed as a character that represents strength, integrity, determination, and a level of humility that is often times lost in this day and age.

    Dumbledore would certainly approve.