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    Why Race Was Never Real

    Were you aware that for thirteen years now race was never real?

    As people continue to be killed over differences every day, some of which were never even real, we get a brief reminder that race never truly was every now and then. Then we go right back to using those fantastic words that got people killed in the first place, the vicious cycle. Well, he was black, and the white cop did this. Hey, the white police officer did this and the black guy was wrong. "The African-American, American." Boom, it starts all over again. Someone's child was just eating a bowl of cereal to be educated on the myth of race incorrectly. They went to school to learn racism from kids with similar stories. They grew up to become police officers, political activists, cop killers, and host YouTube videos for other people to watch. They kill or get killed. People get shot, shoot back and onward.

    But did you know that race was never real?

    A new book explains that the answer to why groups of people looked different was defined as adaption. Adaption is the process in which a species gradually becomes more suitable to its environment. The difference between adaption and evolution was that after the process of adaption the organism was still considered to be what it originally was. Evolution was defined as a process where the changes of an organism became so great that an organism could not be considered what it originally was. Evolution was not the reason that groups of people looked different which is why people could not be defined as separate races or species.


    People have categorized each other as "black" and "white" to the point of death and destruction as colors when they perceived them were not even accurate. People see less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum and hear only 1% of the acoustic spectrum. A human eyeball consists of the: iris, cornea, pupil, lens, retina, and the macula; these were the body parts related to perceiving color. Light focuses sharply through a convex lens which causes the image to flip upside down so that by the time information is received onto the retina it has to be corrected. The information that people receive is turned upside down. The retina turns light energy into an electrical signal for the brain to process right side up where the image of 1% color is received. That 1% of color is what people used to identify each other as just "black" or "white." The retina contains rod and cone cells that are scattered throughout the eye to allow people to see color and these are known as photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are sensitive to light and allow people to interpret electromagnetic waves as color. Rods are stiffer shaped cells the eye uses to see lower levels of light which is why they are not for color. To look at the world with just rods would be to not see any color at all, everything really would appear to shades of black and white. On average a retina contains 120 million rods. Rods are more sensitive than cone cells and by comparison, the retina only contains six to seven million cones. Cones only allow people to see color. Therefore, every person has an ability to see light and dark that is sixty times greater than their ability to see color. Color consist of mid tones, highlights and shadows. Art institutions always taught that the color of an object is actually at the mid-tone, but because of the three dimensional space in the mid tone of an object a person can never truly be seen as one unique skin color. The mid-tone color, which is actually a variety of colors itself, is rarely ever perceived which is why the act of labeling other people as black or white is fairly absurd. When a person looks at another person they are looking at sixty times more contrast than the image that is actually there. A woman could see a man with extremely dark skin walking down the street and she might proclaim that some people truly are black. By contrast, a man walking down the street could see an albino woman with extremely pale skin and he might proclaim that some people truly are white with the inability to perceive 99% of color on the electromagnetic spectrum. In the same vein, studies have suggested that 8.1% of the global population were reported to be color blind by the Journal of Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology in the year 2008.

    Colors did not only fail to exist as people perceived them, but the colors that people perceive do not exist. Light is a manifestation of electromagnetic waves and particles. The longer light waves are and the closer to red they appear. Shorter waves of light are closer to violet or blue and they vibrate faster. Red vibrates at the lowest frequency which is why blue is the most easily visible color to the human eye. Light waves and particles are what color consists of. The ability for light to reflect, refract, diffract, and exhibit the Doppler affect are behaviors that prove light is a wave. The ability for light to be confined into quarks, emit electrons, and exchange energy packets as a photon runs into other photons prove that light is a particle. When people look at each other they see light waves and particles at sixty times the contrast than there actually are on cells that contain atoms which are 99.9999999999999999% of empty space. Those atoms of the human body originated in the belly of a star and are not even standing still when they are being defined. The atoms are vibrating at what is called a sympathetic frequency. The minimum frequency of atoms in a human body is around 54Hz per second. The .1% of atoms that makeup the pigment of cells known as melanocytes create a hue of color when the amino acid of tyrosine is oxidized and on that .1% of atoms that people are able to perceive they are only able to see 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. The colors that people saw were therefore an illusion. The ability for a person to see a rainbow rests solely on the vibration of the human eye and the way it has grown for each person which is unique. The eye vibrates around 60Hz per second in brightly lit conditions. In essence, anyone that has ever seen a rainbow is looking at it in a completely different way and every rainbow is original to the person who created it. Some people do not see rainbows at all. So before you open your mouth to judge someone else based on the things that other people are saying, think again.

    You can purchase your copy of the book "Why Race Was Never Real" here!