People Shared The 14 Best Pieces Of Advice They Got From Self-Help Books

    Sometimes it's difficult to sort through all the noise.

    I recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community which quotes from self-help books they reaaaally found useful. And because I'm a HUGE advice book nerd, I threw in a few impactful pointers I've picked up as well. Here are the most useful tidbits:

    1. "Figure out what your goals are so you know where to find the finish line."

    2. “If you always make the right decision, the safe decision, the one most people make, you will be the same as everyone else.”

    3. "You don't get a promotion for doing your job; you get a promotion for going above and beyond your job."

    4. "I tell them that we can choose to be perfect and admired, or to be real and loved. We must decide."

    5. "Intuition is always right in at least two important ways: It is always in response to something. It always has your best interest at heart."

    6. "Connections are rare. When you find one you believe in, trust your gut and invest."

    7. "We don't meet soulmates. We become them."

    8. "Anger can be a good thing. It's a mechanism that your brain uses to get you out of situations that are bad for you. But in terms of leading a peaceful life, it is not very productive."

    9. "The vast majority of your life will be boring and not noteworthy, and that's okay."

    10. "How long will it take to meet Mr. Right if you are meeting only one new man in an average week? I'm not a mathematician, but the odds are pretty long."

    11. “Be brave enough to break your own heart.”

    12. "Don't be afraid to do something that isn't a concrete task in your preexisting job, or something that doesn't seem to have an immediate benefit on you. Climbing the career lattice is all about laying the groundwork now for something much better down the road."

    13. "The problem isn't setting the bar too high and failing. The problem is setting the bar too low and succeeding."

    14. "Your best network will develop from what you do best."

    Please note that some submissions were edited for clarity and length.

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