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Ladies, What's A Money Tip That You Think All Women Need To Know?

From investing and saving to earning and debt, we wanna hear your tips.

We've definitely been noticing more and more women making waves in the personal finance sphere β€” and we're πŸ‘πŸ½ here πŸ‘πŸ½ for πŸ‘πŸ½ it. πŸ‘πŸ½ And while we've come a long way, women's financial experiences are still different on average from men's.

So if you're a woman reader, we want you to share your wisdom so other women can share the wealth! Tell us your best piece of financial advice.

Maybe you'd tell other women to get into the habit of moving a percentage of every paycheck into a savings account for emergencies. That way, you're not tempted to spend it and your savings keep growing every month.

Or perhaps you learned to buy unisex personal care products β€” like razors β€” whenever possible to avoid paying the "pink tax."

Orrr maybe you learned that the *most* important part of budgeting is to be honest with yourself β€” using an app that automatically tracks your spending helps you understand where your money is really going.

Or perhaps you'd tell others to always research salary and benefits for similar positions when they get a job offer. That way they can use that info to negotiate their pay.

Comment below with your best piece of financial advice β€” could be something you learned through experience, or something that was taught to you! You could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.