If The Media Wrote About Theresa May's Husband The Way They Write About Samantha Cameron

    Wonder how much they'll talk about him ~vamping up his style~.

    1. They would be really keen to point out when he shows off his waist.

    2. And when he makes some ~adventurous~ wardrobe choices.

    3. They would applaud him for bringing trousers to the forefront of fashion.

    4. They might even hail him as the perfect party husband.

    5. But the media would ask some important questions about his day job, such as, should he have one?

    6. They might say that with his enviable looks and lifestyle, he has it all.

    7. No detail would be spared in the event he gets whisked away for his birthday.

    8. But he might get a new nickname in the process.

    9. It's OK though, because maybe even an ice king is actually self-deprecating and warm.

    10. Maybe he'll no longer talk, but instead nag.

    11. And maybe they'll just wax lyrical about his trendsetting ways but remind you he's so much more than a sharp suit.