21 Times Moss From "The IT Crowd" Was Really Fucking Funny

    "You are not going to Adam and believe this".

    1. When he really misread this situation.

    2. When he knew how to build some serious anticipation.

    3. Because he was a master of hyping up a story.

    4. When he invented his own breakfast food.

    5. When he shut down Roy's singing.

    6. And when he proved subtlety wasn't his strong point.

    7. When he delivered this searing burn.

    8. Although sometimes he needed some help.

    9. And ended up missing the point.

    10. When he summed up football in five sentences.

    11. When he knew socialising was seriously overrated.

    12. Because he was too busy pursuing his niche interests.

    13. When he described how we've all felt at some point.

    14. When he tried to keep calm in a dicey situation.

    15. When he played right into Jen's hands.

    16. When he was pretty upfront about his lack of love life.

    17. When he got involved in the murky world of Street Countdown.

    18. When he was a really big fan of his office's toilets.

    19. When he asked a very pressing question.

    20. When he got pretty intimidating, with his mother-flipping language.

    21. And when he executed this ~flawless~ pun.