These Videos From The Deadly Storm In Moscow Are Apocalyptic

The storm killed 11 people and injured at least 137.

A storm in Moscow killed at least 11 people and injured another 137, the TASS news agency reports.

#Moscow today! (Wet DownBurst and dust storm, gust 28 m/s ), 9 people injured 1 dead! More info…

The videos of the storm are surreal. Strong winds toppled fences and moved cars. This video shows the roof of a tennis court getting ripped off.

Смотрите "Ветер снес теннисный корт в жулебино в 16:00" на YouTube -

It even ripped the roof off one of the buildings in the Kremlin.

Ураганный ветер сорвал крышу с Сенатского дворца в Кремле #ураган #Москва

This video shows a fence toppled and a car turned on its side.

These kids literally could not get up because of the strong winds.

Anyone who parked their car under a tree must be regretting it. TASS reports at least 3,500 trees were damaged.

A local news report shows a pyramid completely demolished.

Any unfinished construction was completely scattered.

"Fantasy lovers will feel like post-apocalyptic heroes today. It's getting seriously scary."

Любители фантастики сегодня почувствуют себя героями постапокалиптического романа. Не на шутку становится страшно…

Street signs are goners.

Последствия урагана в Москве. #Москва #ураган #погода #стихия

In some videos it's hard to even tell what's getting destroyed.

Московский #ураган Не помню чтобы май когда-то был таким!

It was genuinely terrifying and, overall, the worst Moscow's seen. According to TASS, over 35,000 city workers were mobilized to respond to the aftermath of the storm.

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