19 Things Only People Who Hate Being Photographed Will Understand

    When the camera makes you want to snap.

    1. You've tried and failed to pull off a convincing fake smile during photos before, but it just isn't happening.

    2. So now you always make that awkward half-smile that makes you look like you'd rather be somewhere else.

    3. And that's the best case scenario.

    4. Hell, sometimes you look like a straight up serial killer.*

    5. You can't even pull off the classic pout.

    6. Being photographed is a problem that's plagued you from youth.

    7. Now just the thought of having your photo taken makes you panic.

    8. Like what the hell are you supposed to do with your arms?

    9. You've even considered joining a gang just so you'd have something to do with your hands.

    10. Being around others doesn't help.

    11. Everyone seems to take that photo at exactly the wrong time.

    12. You dread getting that Facebook notification saying you've been tagged in a photo.

    13. And all the photo avoiding makes it look like you never leave your house.

    14. When it comes to profile pictures, you've never quite found "the one".

    15. Even selfies can end up going wrong.

    16. It's as if the whole world is conspiring against you.

    17. You cringe every time you're asked to show your I.D.

    18. Somehow you just never quite look yourself in photos.

    19. But at the end of the day, you've just got to pose and say a big "fuck you" to that camera.