24 Jokes So Bad That They're Actually Funny


    1. Have you heard the rumour going around about butter?

    2. What is blue and smells like red paint?

    3. They're finally making a film about clocks…

    4. What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?

    5. How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?

    6. I used to be afraid of hurdles…

    7. I have an addiction to cheddar cheese…

    8. I don't trust stairs…

    9. What kind of rooms have no walls?

    10. Why don't you ever see elephants hiding in trees?

    11. Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?

    12. Did you hear about the magic tractor?

    13. I’m only familiar with 25 letters in the English language…

    14. A tomato walks into a bar and asks for a drink…

    15. What do sea monsters eat?

    16. My friend recently got crushed by a pile of books…

    17. Sometimes I tuck my knees into my chest and lean forward…

    18. How does NASA organize a party?

    19. I lost my mood ring…

    20. What does a zombie vegetarian eat?

    21. I don't trust atoms…

    22. Did you hear the joke about the hight wall?

    23. What did the blanket say as it fell off the bed?

    24. Why can't dinosaurs clap?