31 Life Lessons Everyone Should Learn

    "If you have a dream, follow it."

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what advice they would give to their younger selves. These were the most inspirational submissions:

    2. "People are going to have different thoughts, opinions, and intentions than you. It's important to realize that before you speak or act."


    3. "Be positive in everything that you do. Focus on the good things in life, not the bad."


    4. "Don't let anyone tell you what you should do or who you should be. "


    5. "Don't be afraid of what you're feeling. Love is always a beautiful thing."


    7. "Set small achieveable goals and work towards achieving them!"


    8. "Don't give up on something because you're hurt, use that pain and direct it towards your goals."


    9. "You might feel like your life is gonna be this hard forever, but if you stick it out and refuse to let it keep you down, you can grow so much and laugh about it when it's over."


    11. "Stop waiting for things to happen. If you want something to happen, you shouldn't hesitate. Sometimes tomorrow or another opportunity isn't going to be there."


    12. "Smile more, and stay on the positive side, because it gets better."


    13. "There's nothing wrong with you. You are everything that you need to be; nothing more, nothing less."


    15. "Just because you're afraid to do something, doesn't mean you shouldn't try it."


    16. "Wear sunscreen."


    17. "You are doing your best and you do reach those seemingly impossible goals in the end."


    18. "Tell people how you really feel, regardless of how they may respond. When you put your feelings first, it all feels so much lighter."


    20. "I'm sorry. The people who need to say that to you won't, so I will."


    21. "Nobody has a right to be in your life... it's a privilege they need to earn and maintain."


    22. "Stop caring so much about what everyone else thinks and just do you! The decisions you make are not for anyone to judge!"


    23. "No matter what, there will always be people who love me. It doesn't matter how sad I feel, I can always get through it."


    25. "Be wise with who you choose to surround yourself with and who you trust."


    26. "Love yourself fiercely. There is no such thing as perfect or mistakes."


    27. "Strength doesn't come in being solitary. You'll be able to handle the most when you let others in."


    28. "Life is not a race. Take time for yourself as needed. Grow through what you go through."


    29. "Breathe in. Live in the moment. Not all good things last, and that's okay! Things will change and so will you. Change for the better. Don't forget, a bad day doesn't mean a bad life, so smile! Love yourself and others. Breathe out."


    30. "Find your passions and immerse yourself in them."


    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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