21 Dating Tumblr Posts That Will Have You Cackling While Sipping Your Wine

    "I wish my skin was as clear as the fact that I'm going to be single for the rest of my life."

    1. On finding ~the one~:

    2. On giving advice (even though you're most likely the least experienced out of your friendship group):

    3. On your grim future prospects:

    4. On repeating old habits that you vowed to give up:

    5. On having limited choices:

    6. On feeling like you're going to be forever alone:

    7. On your Valentine's Day mood:

    8. On sleeping around:

    9. On fielding nosy questions from family members...

    10. ...including the ones from your parents:

    11. On lowering your expectations so you won't be disappointed:

    12. On being incredibly indecisive when it comes to dating:

    13. On your varying moods:

    14. On ~me time~:

    15. On realising some cold, hard truths about your dating life:

    16. On movie expectations versus real life:

    17. On being your best self:

    18. On slapping some sense into yourself:

    19. On your Friday night plans:

    20. On bad dating decisions:

    21. And finally, on the reasoning behind why you're actually single: