Remove Four Common Stains With These Easy Cleaning Hacks

    Oil, coffee, wine, and grass are no match for these solutions.

    Coffee Stains

    Note: Works for stains up to a day old.


    White vinegar

    Baking soda

    Soft toothbrush


    1. Soak a towel in white vinegar, and use it to gently blot the stain using a dabbing motion (do not rub).

    2. If the stain has been set for a while, cover it with baking soda, then gently brush with a toothbrush.

    3. Launder in cold water.

    Wine Stains

    Note: Works for stains up to a day old.

    White vinegar

    Baking soda
    Soft toothbrush

    1. Soak the stain in white vinegar for at least 15 minutes.

    2. Dab the stain with a clean towel.

    3. Immediately cover in baking soda.

    4. Soak a toothbrush in white vinegar, and gently brush the stain to work in the baking soda.

    5. Launder in cold water.

    Oil Stains

    Note: Works for stains up to 2 days old.

    Baking soda
    Grease-fighting dish soap

    White vinegar

    Soft toothbrush


    1. Cover the stained area with baking soda, and press it into the stain. Let the baking soda sit for at least 45 minutes. For older oil stains, increase time as necessary (up to 2 hours).

    2. Drizzle dish soap over the baking soda.

    3. Take a toothbrush soaked in white vinegar, and use it to gently work the baking soda and dish soap into the stain.

    4. Launder in cold water.

    Grass Stains

    Note: Works for stains up to a day old. For best results, treat as quickly as possible.

    Rubbing alcohol

    Laundry detergent

    Baking soda

    Soft toothbrush

    1. Using a towel, gently dab the stain with rubbing alcohol until most of the stain clears up.

    2. Cover the stain with laundry detergent and baking soda, and gently scrub with a toothbrush.

    3. Launder in cold water.

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