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The Student Charm Offensive All Parents Will Recognise

It can only mean one thing...

It's back to uni time. And you REALLY need a new laptop just NEED a new laptop. Time to lay on some of the old teenage charm...

1. The opening gambit.

Parents: "Umm... No."

2. The second, slightly improved offer.

Parents: "Still no."

3. Provocation.

Parents: "This duck expresses how I feel about your request."

4. All-out flattery.

Parents: "Well, this is just borderline offensive."

5. Emotional blackmail.

Parents: "Is that really the best you've got?"

6. Desperation.

Parents: "Nope."

7. Increasing desperation.

Parents: "Just no."

8. (Getting embarrassing now.)

Parents: "This is not a good look for either of us."

9. The final throw of the dice.

Parents: "So, you'll probably need a new bag to go with that laptop, yes?"

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