16 Times You Felt Personally Victimised By Facebook

    What did I ever to you, Zuckerberg?

    1. When you already had too much going on in your life and Facebook updated its layout AGAIN.

    2. When you were unable to show support for a sad friend because "like" is the only option.

    3. When the "On This Day" feature was a total bitch.

    4. When it suggested friends from two different social circles to each other and they became friends.

    5. When you got auto-tagged in an extremely unflattering picture.

    6. When it reminded you how single you are with couple photos splashed across your newsfeed.

    7. When it shoved your ex's relationship status in your face.

    8. When no matter what you did, you could NOT block game requests permanently.

    9. When it didn't allow you to ignore your friends' messages without looking like a complete asshole.

    10. When it made your default privacy setting "public" on your display pictures.

    11. When it said you could only use your "real" name on Facebook.

    12. When it revealed your friends as racist and sexist, and you were just not prepared for that.

    13. When it BULLIED you into installing a separate app for Facebook Messenger.

    14. When it recommended you as a friend to your relatives.

    15. When it exposed your unsuspecting eyes to high levels of stupidity.

    16. And ESPECIALLY when you commented on a picture and were notified for EVERY FOLLOWING COMMENT EVER.