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12 Things We Have Alabama To Thank For

Y'all are welcome anytime. And while you're there, take a test drive in the 2015 Hyundai Sonata, proudly built in Montgomery.

1. Mardi Gras

2. The First Successful Submarine

3. Channing Tatum

4. The Saturn V Rocket

5. Harper Lee

6. The Van de Graaff Generator

7. Lionel Richie

8. Vinyl

9. 105 Different Ways of Eating Peanuts

While he didn't invent peanut butter, George Washington Carver did publish a bulletin detailing 105 different ways to eat peanuts, among many other things. And where did he do it? In his lab at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, of course!

10. The Klaxon Horn

Via Cineflex (CC BY http://3.0) and the http://U.S. Navy (CC0)

Turn your volume down. That beautiful sound was composed by Montrose native Miller Reese Hutchison. Because musical car horns were so ineffective, Hutchison purposely designed the awooga noise as "disagreeable and penetrating." Nice job!

11. The Hearing Aid

12. Windshield Wipers

The First Hyundai Plant

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Based in Montgomery, Hyundai's first plant in the United States is the starting point of a 3,000-mile test drive starring the all-new 2015 Hyundai Sonata. Join us here!