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15 Devastating Catastrophes Every Smartphone Owner Knows Too Well

Your sanity is calling. It's texting too. It's texting to tell you what time it will call again. Time to power down and get away in a 2016 Hyundai Tucson.

1. When it rings at the exact wrong moment.

2. When autocorrect subtly deflates your will to live.

3. When you're locked out of your phone because you mistyped your password, even though you swear you hit the right number. You literally hit the number.

4. When you need directions but the sun glare on your screen is bad.

5. When your alarm goes off even though you swear you turned it off already.

6. When you realize you left it in the other room.

7. When it drops below 50%.

8. When you're trying to hang out with your friends, but you keep remembering there's a text you have to respond to.

9. When someone else has your phone, and you realize they might look through your photos.

10. When you accidentally make a video call.

11. When you're trapped in a never-ending group text.

"See you there!" "Sounds good!" "Awesome." "Can't wait!"

12. When you're left out of a group text.


13. When you drop it on the ground, and you're POSITIVE it's broken.

14. When you're ~making progress~ on a website, and then suddenly you have to download an app to continue.

15. And when you're trying to live in the moment, but everyone around you has their phones out.

Take a break from the screen. There's a lot of world left to explore in a Hyundai Tucson.