• OMelhorde2016 badge

26 Times Shit Got Way Too Fucking Real In Britain In 2016

Stolen crisps, fighting nuns...will the madness never end? H/t the amazing Angry People In Local Newspapers and @SlowSlowNews.

1. When the Mail exposed an illegal nun-fighting ring.

2. When this man "triggered" a police search.

3. When this guy was far too good at his job.

4. When this guy popped up on the BBC's live feed.

5. When the shit really hit the fan in Staines.

6. When this middle-class crime made headlines.

7. Not to mention this one.

8. When the dreaded Welsh crisp bandit struck again.

9. When the people of Leicester formed a cult.

10. When this escalated quickly.

11. When this incredibly British crisis occurred.

12. When these scrounging badgers weren't satisfied.

13. When some kids tried to make a bus sandwich.

14. When a woman farted in Grimsby.

15. When Enid Blyton got a bit dark.

16. When this gluten-phobic mum flew into a rage.

17. When, er, ?????????????????

18. When this dog was named and shamed.

19. When this truly evil crime occurred.

20. When this nurse needed a refresher course.

21. When the Great Shorts Hunt made headlines.

22. When even postmen weren't safe.

23. When this nan turned to a life of crime.

24. When someone actually murdered a budgie.

25. When this unfortunate addict bared his soul.

26. And finally, when this guy clearly had a shit 2016.