27 Scottish Pictures That Will Make You Laugh For Once In Your Life

    You're not Scottish if you make it through this post without cracking a smile.

    1. This sign.

    2. These bored neds, who are probably still stuck.

    3. This inspired online business.

    4. This huffy teenager.

    5. And this one.

    6. This face swap.

    7. This handy guide to Scotland's wildlife.

    8. This truly amazing response.

    9. And this one.

    10. This dad joke.

    11. And this one.

    12. Not to mention this one.

    13. This zinger.

    14. This dedicated employee.

    15. This pitch-perfect gag.

    16. These fun-loving Aberdeen policemen.

    17. This baffling decision.

    18. This spot-on observation.

    19. This Q&A with a rugby player.

    20. This deeply confused breakfaster.

    21. This alarmed graffiti.

    22. This traffic chaos on Jura.

    23. This "missing" person.

    24. This Wikipedia entry.

    25. This unfortunately-named Fife church centre.

    26. This number plate.

    27. And this truly amazing photo.