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18 Things About "The L Word" That Make Absolutely No Fucking Sense

It was the best worst programme of all time.

1. Why does Shane regularly dress like an ageing rock star in seasons 1 and 2?

2. In fact, all of the early outfits were bafflingly awful.

3. Why are Bette and Tina friends with Shane?

4. Also, how can Shane and Jenny possibly afford to live next door to Bette and Tina?

5. Why does Alice have her friends' entire sexual history written on her wall?

6. And when she isn't updating the deeply invasive Chart, what does Alice actually do?

7. In fact, do any of them actually have jobs?

8. Why does every woman who meets Shane immediately start frothing at the crotch?

9. What does Bette actually see in Tina?

10. Also, what was it with Tina and Bette's insufferable nicknames?

11. Why do we still remember the words to the awful theme tune?

12. Why are new lesbians they meet always single?

13. Why was Ivan so ridiculously angry with Kit for walking in on him that one time?

14. Why did Jenny let the creepy dude who secretly filmed her and Shane carry on living with them?

15. Why was there never a spin-off about Joyce and Phyllis?

16. Or a Netflix show called Helena Peabody: Prison Stud?

17. Why was Jenny never arrested for animal cruelty?

18. And, most importantly, who actually did kill Jenny?